Why You Should Never Pay Cash for Godfather Points in Mafia Wars

The odds are pretty good that you’ve not only played Mafia Wars at some point, but that you’ve pined over the best way to build and succeed with your Mafia, while not actually pouring your hard earned cash into unnecessary investments, such as the Godfather points that so many players seem to rack up so easily. Lucky for you, there are many ways to get those points, and to make them go further without having to spend a single dime doing it. Here are the best ways to get ahead legitimately:

1. Play the Game Daily

One of the least likely, but still worthwhile ways to get Godfather points is to just logon to the game each day and pick your lottery numbers. By playing daily, you up the chances that you will win extra points without actually having to do anything. It may seem like a longshot, but over the course of a year or so, those odds will stack up and eventually you’ll get at least a few out of the deal.

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Three Easy Ways to Grow Your Mafia in Mafia Wars

Mafia Wars is a game about many things, but first and foremost among those things is the importance of growing your Mafia. If you’re not able to build a large enough group of fellow players to use in the game, you’re going to find it very hard to acquire the resources and complete the jobs necessary to stay on top. So, what are the best ways to grow that mafia and take control? Here are three highly effective ways to make it happen without having to spend a single Godfather Point.

1. Networking on Facebook

Facebook and MySpace are already huge social networks and if you have a few hundred friends, use them. Send out invitations to everyone on your friend list to join your mafia, regardless of how well you know them (steer clear of your co-workers and boss though if you have work connections). Most people will just say yes and if they already have their account, they’ll reciprocate. Don’t waste time by not using the tools already in front of you.
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