The Definitive Strategy Guide To Becoming Unbeatable!

I been actively playing Mafia Wars for the past 6 months. During this period, I have developed a very extensive understanding of the game and accumulated many top secret tactics and tricks from a few elite “rich and powerful” Mafia Wars players (who also happens to be in my family) on how to dominate the game in the shortest time possible!

So far my best record is 5 days 03 hours/played time to complete all of New York (and become the Top Boss at level 198 with 1036 mafia friends and counting…)

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To Win At Mafia Wars And Build A HUGE Family!

So you have heard of  Mafia Wars and if you haven’t you will do soon!

The game is really taking off and has over 85,000 players! The problem is that it can be tough and unless you have all day, every day to put into the game it can be hard to gain a footing in the game.

Well do not fear!

This article will give you 3 things that you can do to dominate in Mafia wars and make it as a top don!

1. Forums

One of the top things that will set you apart in Mafia wars is the size of your family and if you are having problems finding people to join your mafia then a good idea is to do a search on Google for “Mafia wars forums” and then join as
a member and after a few posts, introducing yourself ask for the top players to join your family.

This will have some success and when you are starting out it is an easy and fast way to get your family numbers up!

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