The Definitive Strategy Guide To Becoming Unbeatable!

I been actively playing Mafia Wars for the past 6 months. During this period, I have developed a very extensive understanding of the game and accumulated many top secret tactics and tricks from a few elite “rich and powerful” Mafia Wars players (who also happens to be in my family) on how to dominate the game in the shortest time possible!

So far my best record is 5 days 03 hours/played time to complete all of New York (and become the Top Boss at level 198 with 1036 mafia friends and counting…)

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How To Dominating Your Games?

If you’re sick and tired of having to beg people to join your mafia while continually getting your butt kicked by other mafias, this information is for you.

You’ve probably always wondered how these other players can build up Godfather points and grow their mafias so fast.

I used to wonder the same thing. I thought,

“What, do these guys have some God-given mafia leadership skills?”

“Are they constantly annoying their friends by sending out a million invitations?”

“What are they doing?”

So I set out to spy on all the successful players I could find to see just what they did to grow their mafias with the top mafia members so fast.

I spent months using stealth tactics to “track” high level players across the Internet to figure out just how they moved to the top of the game so quickly.

I discovered just what it was they were doing to build the strongest mafias and then improved upon their methods myself and even created some amazingly effective new ones.

They never suspected a thing, that is, until my mafia started destroying theirs…If they found out that I spied on them, they would hate me even more!
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Attention!!! MAFIA WARS Gansters… you want to know the “insider secrets” to legally dominate your way to the top of Mafia Wars, expanding your mafia in record timing, wiping out your competition and enemies, then you’ve come to the right place. You’re about to learn what only a select group of  people on the planet will ever know about dominating in Mafia Wars….

Future Mafia Wars Top Boss,

After spending over 2 years studying and playing Mafia Wars, I have finally discovered the top-secret strategies on how to dominate the game from a Mafia Wars GURU, that’s why I’ve created the ultimate Mafia Wars strategy guide to destroy the competition and own in the game. That’s a fact!
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3 Tips That You Can Use To Rule Mafia Wars! Check This Out! No Cheats!

Mafia wars is an awesome game but the reason that it is so addictive Ithink, is because you     really need to think about what you are doing andhave a very good head for strategy if you want to get to the top withthe best crime families.

Yes it is simple to get into Mafia Wars but you will find a real world inside the game that can be quite complex at times!
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