How To Dominating Your Games?

If you’re sick and tired of having to beg people to join your mafia while continually getting your butt kicked by other mafias, this information is for you.

You’ve probably always wondered how these other players can build up Godfather points and grow their mafias so fast.

I used to wonder the same thing. I thought,

“What, do these guys have some God-given mafia leadership skills?”

“Are they constantly annoying their friends by sending out a million invitations?”

“What are they doing?”

So I set out to spy on all the successful players I could find to see just what they did to grow their mafias with the top mafia members so fast.

I spent months using stealth tactics to “track” high level players across the Internet to figure out just how they moved to the top of the game so quickly.

I discovered just what it was they were doing to build the strongest mafias and then improved upon their methods myself and even created some amazingly effective new ones.

They never suspected a thing, that is, until my mafia started destroying theirs…If they found out that I spied on them, they would hate me even more!

They Literally Laughed at Me!

I didn’t just spy on other players, but I interrogated them as well. Any time I saw successful players I would strike up a conversation so I could learn all their secrets for myself.

The most common reaction from these players was to laugh about how easy it was to grow their mafia and amass Godfather points, and how stupid people were for not doing it too. Most of them wouldn’t tell me their secrets, but slowly a few of them started to crack and let me have little tips about what they were doing.

I Was Amazed!

Their strategies were so stupid simple I was amazed I hadn’t thought of them first… some of them were literally right under my nose.

But, many of them had “secret” methods to dominate the game that I would have never thought of.

(If you’re like me you’re going to freak out once you learn how they do it!)

And these guys were never robbed and never lost a fight. They knew just what to do to always have the edge over every opponent. (Trust me, it’s not what you think!)

I’m NOT Keeping the Secret!

Since I’ve first discovered these secrets, I’ve spent nearly a year improving them, tweaking them, creating my own, and tossing out the ones that no longer work.

I now have a heavily equipped 500 member mafia completely outfitted with the very best armor and weaponry! In fact, I never lose a fight or ever get robbed.

After a while, I started getting tons of e-mails from hundreds of people begging me to show them how I do it. I am like a Mafia Godfather rock star… everyone wants my secrets! It has gotten totally out of control. Even more amazing…

Other Players Hate Me!

When I started sharing these secrets, I had no idea just how incredibly mad it was going to some of the other big mafias out there. I soon found out…

Since first publishing these strategies, I’ve had my account attacked, been sent hundreds of viruses and trojans (actually this happens pretty much daily) and the corrupt mafias even pressured the biggest strategy sites to pull all my links!

Frankly, it’s extremely dangerous for me to even reveal these secrets anymore – they are doing everything they possibly can to stop me and make my life totally miserable!

But I won’t quit that easily.

These Secrets Must be Revealed…

I came up with a solution that would allow me to do what I love (play the game) and still share this information.

I know there are millions of players who are frustrated by their inability to build a strong mafia. I feel for them because they are exactly where I used to be- pathetic and frustrated, ready to quit.

I want to give back to the players and the community that’s been so good to me…

That’s why I created: Dominate Mafia Wars

Source : Dominate Mafia Wars

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