The Definitive Strategy Guide To Becoming Unbeatable!

I been actively playing Mafia Wars for the past 6 months. During this period, I have developed a very extensive understanding of the game and accumulated many top secret tactics and tricks from a few elite “rich and powerful” Mafia Wars players (who also happens to be in my family) on how to dominate the game in the shortest time possible!

So far my best record is 5 days 03 hours/played time to complete all of New York (and become the Top Boss at level 198 with 1036 mafia friends and counting…)

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How to avoid making the same mistakes? aren’t just a few Mafia Wars secrets though, there are hundreds or thousands. Most of these are methods that are kept completely secret by the top Mafia Wars families, but sometimes you can get your hands on a nugget or two of wisdom. These are the same families that have hundreds or thousands of family members and haven’t lost a fight since the game came out.

The Secrets,

If you want to become the most powerful family in the Mafia Wars, you need to learn what exactly you should be doing. You shouldn’t have negative income, and heck if you’ve been playing longer than a day, you could already have hundreds of thousands of dollars in income! Might sound a little too good to be true, but it’s absolutely possible and many others are doing it right now.
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The Root of Success in Mafia Wars

Mafia WarThere are so many people playing Mafia Wars with so many different styles of play that it might seem impossible to become one of the truly good ones who are capable of knocking off his or her opponents with ease and practiced skill. Yet, there are some very specific things you can do that, if done properly, will help you be successful at the game no matter what your play style is.

Building Your Mafia

Your mafia is the single most important thing for you success in this game. If you want to do well, make sure you have a decent sized collection of family members even as you just get started. This can be done easily enough by contacting all your friends, going to blogs and swapping mafia members with other mafias on forums. Never spend your Godfather points on getting new members however. It’s not worth it.
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