The Guide!

Do You Really Need a Guide For Mafia Wars? consider myself to be pretty knowledgeable when it comes to social networking games like Texas Hold ‘Em and Vampire Wars and some others.  So when I began to see these Mafia Wars guides all over the Internet I was kind of surprised. I mean, I can see why people might need some tips to get going in games like Texas Hold ‘Em, but Mafia Wars?  How hard could that be?

So I began playing the game. Then I could say I knew what I was talking about.  But I was in for a pretty big surprise. In no time, I was attacked and out of money.  Also, my character was basically paralyzed because each time I was attacked it drained my health. I have to admit, there is a whole lot more to this game than I had originally thought.

Although I was getting a little better I wasn’t doing anything very spectacular, to put it mildly.  It seemed like everyone else knew some kind of secret that made them win more fights, play at higher levels and achieve more.  I kind of felt like everyone knew something I didn’t.  And I thought, “Boy, it sure would be nice if someone would tell me their secrets.”  So, I began to think that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see what these guides were about. I wasn’t really expecting much, but since I hadn’t done so well playing my own way, I figured it was worth a try.

So I picked up a guide called Mafia Wars Mastery, and was floored by the tips I found in their guides and videos. You wouldn’t think there were so many ways to screw up a mafia strategy game but believe me, there are.  And I was making all the classic errors.  It didn’t take long for things to change though.  Within several weeks of devouring the videos and guide my game skills skyrocketed!  I mean I went from losing every fight to winning every single fight!  I built up my income from nothing to having hundreds of millions a dollar an hour pouring in.  And that amount is continually rising! And I rose from Level 30 to Level 250 in no time!  I still use the guide and videos as a reference.  I also receive an email newsletter that’s been extremely useful.  In fact, one of the newsletter updates I received more than paid for my course because it revealed a way to gain tons of members overnight.  I used to think it was impossible to add 100 members in a single day let alone several hundred.  Overall I’d have to say Mafia Wars Mastery, the guides, the videos and the updates have been a fantastic investment.

Source : Mafia Wars Mastery

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