The Definitive Strategy Guide To Becoming Unbeatable!

I been actively playing Mafia Wars for the past 6 months. During this period, I have developed a very extensive understanding of the game and accumulated many top secret tactics and tricks from a few elite “rich and powerful” Mafia Wars players (who also happens to be in my family) on how to dominate the game in the shortest time possible!

So far my best record is 5 days 03 hours/played time to complete all of New York (and become the Top Boss at level 198 with 1036 mafia friends and counting…)

Initially, using these secret strategies, I was only helping some of my friends on a case-by-case basis but it seems that word had gotten out…

Soon, more friends and fellow mafia members (who are already in the high levels when I first started playing Mafia Wars) realised what my character has achieved in such a short time that took them almost a year of playing, they began to beg me to reveal my methods.

Surprised by the amount of requests asking me,  how I was able to level so fast and dominate the game…

… I decided to take it on myself to create a guide for people who are tired of grinding levels, looking up how to grow your mafia fast and trying to figure out how to build a character so strong that you will never lose a fight.

Now, imagine yourself being able to start your first level with 500 or more mafia friends. You will almost never lose a fight and any idiots that dare to fight you or your family would be destroyed by you mercilessly.

Or how about going from level 1 – 200 in 3 days, and hang out with all the top elite bosses, while leaving your enemies biting the dust and friends wondering how you did it… How would that feel?

All of this is possible, and the crazy thing is that all the methods and strategies to dominate Mafia Wars areVERY EASY.

Source : Mafia Game Guide

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